With any test we all get nervous, human nature. Why when you feel you can drive perfect and thinking you could pass it ends up with a Fail, well Because Fear and unexpected hazards, nerves with anxiety will give you a throbbing pulse, sweaty hands and take away your confidence, which causes your logical decision making to be interrupted.

Imagine when the RMS testing officer calls your name and you respond with a “yes” and you take a large gasp for air, he mumbles to you, meet me at front and wait, Sweaty shaky hands and trembling knees. This is what makes rational decisions difficult and especially behind the steering wheel.

Deal with it, You need to change your mind set,  re think a strategy (plan of action). A Good Driving School should have key points and strategies to act on and a course of action at every decision made. We can give you the best course of action and strategies that will give you all the required tools to assist you in the best result you could achieve.

By any means the driving test is difficult with excellent motor skills and knowing all the road rules and responding to all levels of expectations required by RMS standards is essential. This alone by no means is easy. Responding to hazards the key element of confidence, having a skill set for excellent safe gap choices and lane changing is essential.

Lets be Honest here and i would be the first to say its not an easy job being a testing officer for a number of reasons is responsibility by issuing a licence to someone you only just meet, this is daunting to say the least and freeing a person to drive without supervision needs to be assessed and safety being the number one key element along with hazard perception skills and besides all this having no fail items with a minimum score of 90% to grant a driving licence.

Our Driving schools in Sydney can help, we can  help reduce  the fear and reduce the nerves by our tactical strategies which when taking the test making you feel more confident and aware of your surroundings when making decisions.

With even the best lesson there is always a chance you might still fail, we can do our best as the end result is within your-self, you will have all the tools to make it a pass.

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